It is one of the polyurethane flooring methods for closed areas. System; It consists of adhesive, SBR roller, paste, self leveling and top coat paint.
Product Features:
Primer: 100-160 gr / m2; 1100 cP; 1.03 kg / L
PU Adhesive: 900-1000 * gr / m2; Mixing Ratio: 21/4; 5000-6000 cP; 1.55 kg / L
SBR Roll (5/8/12 mm):
Length: 16-18 m;
Width: 120 cm;
0.9 kg / L;
PU Putty:
1st floor: 400 ** gr / m2; Mixing Ratio: 21/4; 11000-17000 cP; 1.32 kg / L
2nd Floor: 200 ** gr / m2; Mixing Ratio: 21/4; 11000-17000 cP; 1.32 kg / L
PU Self Leveling: 2.2 gr / m2; Mixing Ratio: 18/4; 1400-1900 cP; 1.40 kg / L
PU Topcoat: 120 *** gr / m2; Mixing Ratio: 9/4; 1.25 kg / L
* It may vary depending on the condition of the surface.
** may vary depending on the application method and roll density.
*** may vary depending on the color to be applied.
Features | Results |
Shock Absorption | 25.43% |
Thickness | 9,16 mm |
Vertical Buckling | 1.33 mm |
Ball Bounce | 1.07 (97%) |
Tensile Strength * | 1.92 MPa |
Elongation at rupture | 33,2 mm |
The floor must be clean, dry, free from oil and dust and repaired.
First, the primer layer is applied to prepare the concrete surface for the application of the upper layers. To adhere the SBR roll to the floor, polyurethane adhesive consisting of 21A and 4B components is applied to the surface with the help of a level comb or trowel. Then the rubber rolls are glued to the floor. To fill the gaps on the roller and to obtain a flat surface, two-component polyurethane putty is prepared at a ratio of 21: 4 and applied to the surface with the help of a trowel. After the paste dries, sandpaper application is made. Polyurethane self-leveling consisting of 18A and 4B components is spread on the surface with the help of a leveling comb or trowel. Finally, with the help of a roller, polyurethane top coat paint is applied to the surface in the desired thickness. During the application, the mixer should be mixed in slow speed until the color is homogeneous.
After mixing the two components in polyurethane adhesive, paste, self leveling and paint, they become ready to use. Hot environment shortens the usage time and increases the cold environment usage time. It is not recommended to be used at temperatures below 10 ° C. It is also not recommended for use at temperatures above 30 ° C.